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How to write stories?

Stories are svelte files ending with .story.svelte. Add a Hst prop so histoire can provide its builtin components. You then need to use the <Hst.Story> tag at the root of your template.

<!-- Meow.story.svelte -->
  export let Hst



We use a prop instead of an import because Histoire provides different implementations of those components in different situations (for example when collecting the stories).

The title of the story is provided with the (optional) title prop:

  export let Hst

<Hst.Story title="🐱 Meow">

You can of course add <style> sections just like you would with any .svelte file.

For example, you will usually import and use a component in your story:

  import Meow from './Meow.svelte'
  export let Hst



To get typings for the Hst prop, you can import the Hst type from @histoire/plugin-svelte:

<script lang="ts">
  import type { Hst } from '@histoire/plugin-svelte'
  export let Hst: Hst

<Hst.Story> <!-- Typed! -->


Stories can have different variants representing the same component. You can define variants using the <Hst.Variant> tag. Similar to the story, you can provide a title to your variant with the title prop.

  export let Hst

<Hst.Story title="Cars">
  <Hst.Variant title="default">
  <Hst.Variant title="Fast">
  <Hst.Variant title="Slow">


You can change the layout of the variant by using the layout prop with an object. The type property is required to specify which layout to use.

Single layout

This is the default layout, displaying one variant at a time. The default behavior is to isolate the story with an iframe.

Additional layout properties:

  • iframe: (default: true) enables the iframe, useful when your CSS has media queries for responsive design.
  export let Hst

  layout={{ type: 'single', iframe: true }}
  <Hst.Variant title="default">
  <Hst.Variant title="Fast">
  <Hst.Variant title="Slow">

Grid layout

Display all the variants in a grid.

Additional layout properties:

  • width: Column size. Can be number (pixels) or string (like '100%').
  export let Hst

  layout={{ type: 'grid', width: 200 }}
  <Hst.Variant title="default">
  <Hst.Variant title="Fast">
  <Hst.Variant title="Slow">

Released under the MIT License.